main data & education

born in Naples on 1974, now living in Brescia
PhD in Naval and Aerospace Engineering
registered in the Engineering Register of Brescia

areas of expertise
• Technical Project Management
• CAE/FEM/CFD/Multiphysics
• 1D/3D Simulation & Optimization
• CAE/FEM/CFD/Multiphysics
• 1D/3D Simulation & Optimization
• Software & Engineering Supervision
• Tech Solutions Development
• Regulatory Compliance
• Tech Solutions Development
• Regulatory Compliance
• Research & Analysis
• Business Development
• Strategic Planning & Execution
• Business Development
• Strategic Planning & Execution
• Risk Assessment & Mitigation
• Process Improvement & Automation
• Relationship Development
• Process Improvement & Automation
• Relationship Development
Ph.D. in Naval and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Naples “Federico II”
Thesis title: “A modern potential method for fluid dynamics analysis””
Thesis title: “A modern potential method for fluid dynamics analysis””
Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Naples “Federico II”
Thesis title: “Analysis of several flow simulations at high lift conditions”
Vote: 110/110 cum laude
Main subjects: aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics
Thesis title: “Analysis of several flow simulations at high lift conditions”
Vote: 110/110 cum laude
Main subjects: aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics
career experience
Project leader & Team leader at REDAM (Italy)
- Realization and installation of the art work “Rette di luce nell’iperspazio curvilineo” (MAXXI Museum)
- Aerodynamic analysis of vertical axis wind turbines and light aircrafts (HPD)
- Aerodynamic analysis of a light aircraft (Vulcanair) - Stress analysis with MSC Nastran/Patran of vertical stabilizer (Alenia Aeronautica - Bombardier)
- Flight loads for EASA certification of a ultralight aircraft (Tecnam) - Realization and installation of the art work “Rette di luce nell’iperspazio curvilineo” (MAXXI Museum)
- Installation of a robot into the anechoic chamber of the Alenia Improvement Laboratories
services Engineer at ALTRAN/CAPGEMINI (Italy)
- Thermal analysis with FloTherm of radar systems (SELEX-SI - Finmeccanica Group)
- Coordination and management of the design of motor systems during the development of new Alfa Romeo vehicles (Elasis - Fiat Group)
- Organization and project management of training activities of new military defence projects at MBDA Italia (Finmeccanica Group)
- CFD analysis for the environmental comfort at two new railway stations (Tecnosistem)
Technical cooperation at Flowlab (Italy)
- CFD analysis of pyroclastic flows for the University of Bari
- CFD analysis of the efficiency of two hulls for regatta sailboats
CFD Analyst at Aerosoft (Italy)
- Aerodynamic analysis of wing airfoils
- Air-conditioning analysis for passenger cabin
- Efficiency analysis of aeronautic combustors
- Comparison between several simulation models for the prediction of wave resistance of fast boats
- Flow analysis in ventilation duct of the driver and passenger compartment
academic activities
Adjunct Professor at the University of Naples “Federico II”
2011-2012 Course of Aerodynamics of the Rotating Wing at the Aerospace Engineering Department
2008-2010 Course of Naval Numerical Architecture at the Naval Engineering Department
- Supervisor of 7 Master degree thesis in aerospace engineering (University of Naples)
- Supervisor of 1 Bachelor degree thesis in mechanical engineering (University of Salerno)
- Second referee of 1 PhD thesis in chemical engineering (University of Turin)
Organization of the seminar titled “A modern panel method for fluid dynamics analysis:
theory and applications of the PaMS code” delivered to University of Naples, Italian Aeronautical Academy,
Alenia Aeronautica, Elasis (FIAT group), CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Centre), MSC Software
Scientific cooperation at the Aeronautical Design Department (University of Naples) for research
and educational activities
congresses & publications
MDPI fluids
Title of the article: “Fully Coupled Fluid–Structure Interaction with Heat Transfer Effects in an Adaptive NACA Airfoil”
Title of the article: “Fully Coupled Fluid–Structure Interaction with Heat Transfer Effects in an Adaptive NACA Airfoil”
IJHMT (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
Title of the article: “Analysis of thermally activated fluid-structure interaction for a morphing plate immersed in turbulent flow”
Title of the article: “Analysis of thermally activated fluid-structure interaction for a morphing plate immersed in turbulent flow”
ICHMT (International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer)
Title of the article: “A mass transfer model for computational prediction of proliferation and therapy outcome of non-Hodgkin lymphoma”
Title of the article: “A mass transfer model for computational prediction of proliferation and therapy outcome of non-Hodgkin lymphoma”
IJTS (International Journal of Thermal Sciences)
Title of the article: “Optimal design of an innovative microwave-based fluid heater”
Title of the article: “Optimal design of an innovative microwave-based fluid heater”
ELSEVIER BOOK (Biomaterials for 3D Tumor modelling)
Title of the chapter: “A predictive oncology framework — modelling tumor proliferation using a FEM platform”
Title of the chapter: “A predictive oncology framework — modelling tumor proliferation using a FEM platform”
ICHMT (International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer)
Title of the article: “Mass transfer modelling of solid tumor growth for therapy evaluation and prognosis”
Title of the article: “Mass transfer modelling of solid tumor growth for therapy evaluation and prognosis”
Periodic magazine "A&C Analisi e Calcolo"
Technical article: “La matematica dei fenomeni di trasporto a servizio della cura personalizzata e della realtà aumentata nell'oncologia”
Technical article: “La matematica dei fenomeni di trasporto a servizio della cura personalizzata e della realtà aumentata nell'oncologia”
JFOE (Journal of Food Engineering)
Title of the article: “Conjugate heat and mass transfer in drying: A modelling review”
Title of the article: “Conjugate heat and mass transfer in drying: A modelling review”
Periodic magazine "Acquamarina"
Technical article: “The virtual sail boat and the fluid dynamics”
Technical article: “The virtual sail boat and the fluid dynamics”
IJHMT (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
Title of the articles: “Convective control to microwave exposure of moist substrates. Part I: Model methodology - Part II: Model validation and application”
Title of the articles: “Convective control to microwave exposure of moist substrates. Part I: Model methodology - Part II: Model validation and application”
ICVFM congress (International Congress on Vortex Flow and Vortex Methods)
Title of the article: “Unsteady analysis of the vorton wake – wing interaction”
Title of the article: “Unsteady analysis of the vorton wake – wing interaction”
CEAS-ASC Workshop (Aeroacoustics of high-speed aircraft propellers and open rotors)
Title of the presentation: “Assessment of efficient BEM/FW-H methodologies for the preliminary design of counter rotating open rotors”
Title of the presentation: “Assessment of efficient BEM/FW-H methodologies for the preliminary design of counter rotating open rotors”
EACWE congress (European & African Conferences on Wind Engineering)
Title of the abstract: “Aerodynamic Loads on Flexible Bodies for Sailing Simulation”
Title of the abstract: “Aerodynamic Loads on Flexible Bodies for Sailing Simulation”
ECCOMAS (European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering)
Title of the abstract: “Evolutionary-Based Aero-Structural Optimization of a Joined Wing UAV Using Advanced Potential Methods”
Title of the abstract: “Evolutionary-Based Aero-Structural Optimization of a Joined Wing UAV Using Advanced Potential Methods”
MSC Conference “Virtual Test and Engineering Simulation in Aerospace and Defense”
Title of the presentation: “Advanced Solution for Discipline and Tools Integration in Aircraft Simulation”
Title of the presentation: “Advanced Solution for Discipline and Tools Integration in Aircraft Simulation”
AIMETA congress (Italian Association for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)
Title of the article: “A new modern panel method for unsteady flows”
Title of the article: “A new modern panel method for unsteady flows”
Monthly magazine “Nautica”
Technical article: “Sail aerodynamics: the interference between two boats sailing close-hauled”
Technical article: “Sail aerodynamics: the interference between two boats sailing close-hauled”
FIST (Italian Federation of Earth Science)
Title of the abstract: “Numerical Simulations for Base Surges of Astroni Volcano (Phlegrean Field - Italy)”
Title of the abstract: “Numerical Simulations for Base Surges of Astroni Volcano (Phlegrean Field - Italy)”
Flucome Congress (Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization)
Paper title: “CFD Analysis for 2D Real Flows”
Paper title: “CFD Analysis for 2D Real Flows”
Convention GNV (Volcanology National Group)
Paper title: “Preliminary Results of the Numerical Simulations for Base Surges of Astroni Volcano (Phlegrean Field - Italy)”
Paper title: “Preliminary Results of the Numerical Simulations for Base Surges of Astroni Volcano (Phlegrean Field - Italy)”